W5 Solutions delivers cabling to KTH’s student satellite MIST

KTH Space Center allows students to build an actual satellite that will be launched into space. W5 Solutions is a proud partner in the project and delivers cabling for the MIST (MIniature STudent satellite) satellite.

KTH Space Center defined the satellite project in 2014, and the work started on January 28, 2015. The project leader is the very experienced Sven Grahn, an engineer in space technology.

Since 2014, the Swedish astronaut Christer Fuglesang has been head of and professor at KTH Space Center, and in April 2020, Fuglesang received the delivery at W5 Solutions in Solna.

– At W5 Solutions, we are pleased to be able to participate and support future space projects. We follow the development as it advances with great interest, says Lars Pettersson, Sales Manager Communication and Cables in Solna.

The transaction was completed as of April 2020.

For additional information, please contact:
Lars Pettersson, Sales Manager Communication and Cables, W5 Solutions AB
Email: lars.pettersson[at]w5solutions.com

About W5 Solutions AB

W5 Solutions is a Swedish company that delivers high-tech systems and solutions. Our clients are Swedish and international government agencies and companies in the areas of defense and civil protection.
We are experts in training and simulation, mission systems, communication, and power supply. In addition, we have support functions such as training, repair, and maintenance in the defense sector.

